Monday, March 23, 2020

The Lord's Supper Observance for March 29, 2020

We are all dealing with the changes that the voluntary quarantine has brought because of the Covid-19 virus. We want to aid our church family with a sense of normalcy during these times. For that reason, we will still have the Lord's Supper observance which will be posted on Facebook Live and the delayed recording available through the church website, if the Lord wills. The next paragraph is a notification that we will be sending through out the church family. It is not an intended activity to partake of the Lord's Supper away from a church family, but this method, we believe, will be true to the intent of the local body of Christ remembering what Jesus did for us in the sacrifice of His body and blood on the cross for the salvation of all who would believe.

The Lord’s Supper March 29th
Little Cypress Baptist Church will be having our remembrance of the Lord Supper this Sunday in our 10:30 am service. If you are able to join us on Facebook Live or through the delayed broadcast through the website, we invite you to participate. The two elements of the Lord’s Supper are a bread and the fruit of the vine. These are symbols for the body and blood of Jesus that which He provided for our salvation as the fulfillment of Passover. The amount used is always small so that the focus is on the symbol, and not on our satisfaction with an amount. The Lord’s Supper does not save anyone, but it is for the saved, so if you observe it with us at home, please keep that in mind. The bread can be literally any bread product which will represent to you His body. The cup can be any appropriate representation. Missionaries have used things with great dignity and without sacrilegious intent such as grape cola, because it was germ free as a bottled product. Certainly, the real issue is one’s attitude, which could be a cause of discipline from God because of a flippant attitude. For this reason, we encourage you to read through 1 Corinthians 11:23-32 before we share in this remembrance together on Sunday.

The evaluation we spoke of in the message above is an examination of our life and attitudes. We often become comfortable with our sins. In preparation, would you take some quiet time with the Lord and ask Him to reveal to your spirit any sin, so that you might repent of it and be cleansed.        1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness". This is what Jesus was saying to Peter at the Passover meal before Jesus went to the cross. In the Gospel of John chapter 13:5-11 Jesus tells Peter that he is clean (referring to his salvation) but that Jesus would be washing his feet. When we confess our sins to the Lord with a repentant heart, He cleanses us of the contamination of the world and restores our fellowship with God. Nothing can break our relationship with God, our sin blocks our fellowship with Him and that is why we should deal with our sin immediately. Love will motivate us to keep a short list.


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