I have been coming across a lot of people who are having a time imagining a virus on their gas pump or the loaf of bread that the bread truck driver, who has Co-vid19 and doesn't know it yet, just put on the shelves. If you can avoid being offended and just laugh along with a very serious situation, I would like to tell you a story.
"Once upon a time a race of very tall male dogs roamed the planet. You would never see them but while you were not looking they were peeing on everything. They were sneaking into Walmart, they were going to the gas pumps. It would all dry very fast and you would never know where they had been. Now the people had to decide what to touch and what not to touch. It was impossible to decide so they made a decision to wear some gloves when they pumped the gas. What would they do about opening doors? They were embarrassed to wear the gloves everywhere, so they just used hand sanitizer every once and awhile and tried to remember not to pick up food to eat or to avoid putting their fingers in their eyes, nose, or mouth. Those dogs created a terrible situation, but the people were more concerned about what people would think if they put on a mask or gloves. What good does it do to put on the mask? That is one way to keep your own fingers out of your own mouth, eyes, and nose. "The best thing to remember" the Governor said, "is to wash your hands and stay away from the people who aren't washing theirs". "Some day these dogs will go away," he said, " but be wise even if it looks weird!"
So now you have the beginning of the story, and you may add to it however you please. But remember that your God is Lord of Heaven and Earth and He has given us common sense and a promise that as Christians we will not face anything in life without Him. Now, I must go and wash my hands because I am afraid that big dog may have gotten to my keyboard.
Makes sense but it is funny too