Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Some Day Syndrome

Why do Christians have an additional sense of uneasiness in these extraordinary circumstances that seem to be so much more common these days? I think it is because we have read ahead in the book of what is happening next. The world ridicules our biblical beliefs and often points to those beliefs as examples or our unfitness to participate in social dialogue and involvement in big decisions. Just think about all of the criticism that the Vice President of the United States has taken because of his biblical beliefs. People in Congress and the media openly expressed that he was unacceptable for the lead role in dealing with the Covid-19 event because he suggested that in addition to the medical response we might want to pray. How dare he reach out to a superior being at a time when humanism is supposed to win the day. We cannot change their reactions but how much do we hold back because we are afraid to face the same kind of ridicule or persecution? 

Some Day Syndrome works like this.... We know that there will be an effort to centralize all government into a global entity some day. Some day there will be a person that heads up that entity that will build that one world government into a personal kingdom. We see this man in the Bible as the Little Horn in Daniel, the Man of Lawlessness in 1 Thessalonians and John speaks of his as the anti-Christ. When we see the circumstances of our world driving toward global governance it makes us uneasy. Or, we know that someday there will be a one world financial system. We start seeing the globalists in the news pushing for the end of cash and a more credit card style system way back in the 1970's. We go to electronically deposited payroll and bill pay systems, and we like it because it is fast and easy. Then we have a crisis that makes it impossible to engage with our resources and we feel helpless- but only for a little while and then it is all fixed. We do not think about all of the hackers and government entities that can hinder that system. We do not think about the Chinese who are now giving social credits electronically to those who seem to deserve the blessing of government for their loyalty. It is just easier to do it this way. After all, cash is paper, and paper can pass along viruses! 

So, the uneasiness of the Some Day Syndrome sets in again. We read ahead in history in the book of Revelation and saw that the head of one world government institutes a system for buying and selling that requires nothing but a 'mark'. With the mark you are in. Without the mark you cannot buy or sell. Yes, there is that queasy feeling that our reality is moving quickly to match biblical prophesy. Now everyone has to listen to the value of socialism since it will be the only way to make government in the world 'fair' and 'effective'. Sounds like a one world government plan to me, The government will supply everything you need. They can control the ups and downs of the economy and if we need for money we will just declare that it now exists. Does that sound like a stimulus package to you? There is that uneasy feeling again.

We read the warning that the world of the future would be unrestrained in its evil. We see the evil of this world growing in areas like what is appropriate sexual behavior, and we are uneasy unless we have lost touch with the Word of God and the truth that it says what it says to us because God loves us and is trying to protect us from the wages of sin which is death. We cannot speak of these issues with the culture because who are we to say that we have the right answer. We are told that every path leads to God, and there comes that queasy feeling again. The book of Revelation also tells us about a one world religion which includes everyone. We watch the Pope and the ecumenical movements snuggle up to the Imams of  Islam and that some how looks strangely familiar. Maybe we go on the internet and see the statue out front of the European Union building and it is a woman riding a beast. Yes, there is that uneasy feeling again. They call her Europa but you can find her in Revelation 17. 

So what are we supposed to do with this Some Day Syndrome? What if the some day of these policies and plans suddenly become our reality? In Luke 21:28 Jesus tells us that when we see these things coming to pass we should look up because our redemption is drawing near. This is not a time for fear. When the smart people see the stock market go down drastically they get ready to invest, not sell. When we see the world take a big bump in the road, it is time to watch what God is doing and be ready to join Him in His work. His work is to share Jesus with a lost and dying world. There will always be people being drawn by the Holy Spirit to salvation. We can be a part of that eternal, kingdom of God work, if we are paying attention to Him instead of that queasy, uneasy feeling that the world gives us. Look Up!

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