As we approach Resurrection Sunday on April 12th we are reminded that this coming Sunday would be the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem for Jesus and His disciples. This appearance of Messiah coming into Jerusalem was prophesied and the religious leaders should have known that the time for Messiah had come. It was an amazing day! The people called out Hosanna as they took branches from the palm trees and waved them or laid them on the road. Children celebrated and the religious leaders fumed. What was a horrible day for the religious leaders in their rejection and unbelief of the cornerstone of their faith would become a horrible day for the followers of Jesus very soon.
Jesus had warned His disciples that He would be captured, tried falsely, beaten, and crucified. They heard Him but they could not really hear what He was saying. Jesus was coming to the city as the Passover Lamb. He would celebrate Passover with His disciples before He became their sacrifice for sin- once for all. By His sinless life, and sacrificial death, He would provide a way for all who would believe in Him to be made right with God. The disciples would see that great day turn into suffering. Yet, in the Father's hands, that suffering would provide the only way to eternal life, salvation, and abundant spiritual life here an now. For the disciples, with their limited perspective, life had just become fearful and uncertain. They had forsaken their previous ways of life, and now it appeared the choice they made had come to nothing. All they had was uncertainty and promises that Jesus made which they did not even understand.
Does that sound familiar? So many of us said goodbye to 2019 with the hope and expectation that this year would be better. It seemed that a biblical worldview was now more acceptable because of the people in the White House. The economy was booming and most everyone had jobs. Families were so busy and the bread winners often had too many hours on the job. The constant politics were disturbing if one paid attention to them, but it seemed that things were becoming more stable. How many of you even knew where Wuhan, China was in October of 2019? Now our family life, church life, school life, vacation plans, job stability, date nights, everything has changed because of a virus that we cannot even see except for pictures from a microscope. Some people are suffering more than others because of the loss of loved ones or the stress of work in medical and service professions. But what does this have to do with Jesus and the Triumphal Entry?
That same Jesus, resurrected from the dead and alive forever more is the Lord of Life! He knows our great days, our hard days, and our days of uncertainty. He is the source of our faith. In prayer, we can cast all of our anxieties upon Him and know that He cares for us. (1 Peter 5: 6-7) Jesus reminds us that in this world we will have trouble but that we should take courage because He has overcome the world. (John 16:33) He understands what we are going through and He loves us. He also has called us to love one another, which is best seen in how we minister to each others needs. This is our triumph. No matter what we go through Jesus has promised to never leave us or forsake us even in our tribulations. Praise God for His grace, mercy, and love. Remember to share that grace, mercy, and love with others because helping others by staying in contact and being honest about our own needs and concerns will help us all get through this together!
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