Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Normal Church?

Dear LCBC Members and Friends,

We know that normal church looks like to church described in the Bible. The world's version of church that doesn't have the power of God or a heart for the lost and the saved is more of a typical church. As a church family, we have been blessed with a great series of revival services and we are ready to move past typical and back to an old normal. The biblical normal for the saints of God. 

This coming Sunday we are excited to move back into our normal schedule of church meetings. We pray that the power of God will move us to be strong and courageous as we join together once again. Everything will be socially distanced to the best of our ability. Masks are welcome for those who believe they are needed to protect their health. Sunday School will start at 9:15 a.m. with some room changes. 

Adult One Men will meet in the Dining Hall of the Family Center. There will be no assembly meeting for the whole department because we cannot social distance the whole group. Adult One Women will meet in their departmental space and will likely stay as one group in that room until the individual women's teachers are ready to return. 

Adult Two will meet in their normal department space for assembly but their could be some classroom changes if they are needed. Adult Three will not have assembly in the choir room. The whole Adult Three program will meet in the Old Sanctuary. 

Adult Four which is the Coed class taught by Carrol Teal and the Ladies class taught by Liz Turner will meet in their normal spaces. 

Special plans have also been made for the Youth, Children, and Preschoolers.

Please do not plan to huddle up around tables since it is not possible to social distance in that way. Please plan to use hand sanitizer before handling coffee pots, cups, and supplies. The Lord's Supper will also be different with some special protocols included for your safety. 

We will continue to use Facebook Live on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. as well as 6 p.m. on Wednesdays. Wednesday night meals will not start until we get closer to the new school year. The two Sunday services will no longer be the same content. For those of you who are concerned about attending on Sunday at 6:30 p.m., because you do not feel safe driving at night; it is not getting fully dark until 8:30 or so. 

For those of you who continue to shelter at home due to special health issues, we will be praying for you and hoping to see you at the right time. As a church family we will present ourselves as living sacrifices for God's purposes and His glory. This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday in which we remember the beginning of the church and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those that Jesus saves by grace through faith.

David Turner

Monday, April 27, 2020

It's Time For Church With Wise Precautions

We recently received from the State Attorney General’s office and the Governor the Guidance for Houses of Worship During the Covid-19 Crisis document. In addition, we listened to the Governors presentation about the phases of opening Texas. The presentation today affirms that the counties cannot supersede these guidelines unless there is a spike in these virus cases in our county. For this reason, we are confident to re-open public worship at Little Cypress Baptist Church on Sunday May 3rd. This does not include Sunday school or any other meetings that can be done remotely. It is possible to schedule meetings now, that are socially distanced and you will be notified when these become available in the future.

We had a dress rehearsal this past Sunday to see how we would establish social distancing as attendees entered the building. We determined the best way to set up the worship area to maintain social distancing for family groups and individuals. We determined the best way to dismiss these family groups and individuals to maintain social distancing. The new G-18 guidelines ask us on pages 39-41, to maintain social distancing throughout your time at the church. This was confirmed in the news briefing when the Governor answered a question about mandating masks. In his response to a reporter he said that no one can legally mandate wearing a mask. The same G-18 guidelines for individuals says on page 20: “Consistent with the actions taken by many individuals across the state, consider wearing a cloth face covering (over nose and mouth) when entering a business, or when within 6 feet of another person who is not a member of the individual’s household. If available, individuals should consider warning non-medical grade face masks.” So, as we socially distance, you have the option of wearing a mask or not wearing one.  See PDF: https://gov.texas.gov/uploads/files/organization/opentexas/OpenTexas-Report.pdf

As a part of the earlier G-16 guidelines we were also encouraged to create a worship service that would focus on those 65 and older. We have decided to provide such a service for this age group, but we will not discourage anyone from attending. The worship service will be held at 5 p.m. but only during this transitional time. The content will be the same as the 10:30 a.m. service. We will practice the same precautions as the morning worship at entry, with seating, and with departure. We will continue having a Facebook Live worship livestream, as well as the archived version which is found on the website. We hope this helps you establish a plan for your participation in worship at LCBC. We will make adjustments as we walk through each phase of opening Texas. Continue to pray for your staff and Deacons as we work out these details.

We have not cancelled the revival that we scheduled earlier this year. The dates for the revival are May 17-20 with a leadership seminar on May 16th. All of these events will be socially distanced. Our guest preacher is Randall DeVille of Falcon, Colorado. Randall grew up in Lake Charles, Louisiana. A member of our church who had heard him preach in his home church came to Church Council with a recommendation that he be our preacher for meetings that we pray will lead to revival in our lives. He is Pastor of Falcon Baptist Church.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Great Days, Hard Days, and Faith In Uncertainty

As we approach Resurrection Sunday on April 12th we are reminded that this coming Sunday would be the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem for Jesus and His disciples. This appearance of Messiah coming into Jerusalem was prophesied and the religious leaders should have known that the time for Messiah had come. It was an amazing day! The people called out Hosanna as they took branches from the palm trees and waved them or laid them on the road. Children celebrated and the religious leaders fumed. What was a horrible day for the religious leaders in their rejection and unbelief of the cornerstone of their faith would become a horrible day for the followers of Jesus very soon. 

Jesus had warned His disciples that He would be captured, tried falsely, beaten, and crucified. They heard Him but they could not really hear what He was saying. Jesus was coming to the city as the Passover Lamb. He would celebrate Passover with His disciples before He became their sacrifice for sin- once for all. By His sinless life, and sacrificial death, He would provide a way for all who would believe in Him to be made right with God. The disciples would see that great day turn into suffering. Yet, in the Father's hands, that suffering would provide the only way to eternal life, salvation, and abundant spiritual life here an now. For the disciples, with their limited perspective, life had just become fearful and uncertain. They had forsaken their previous ways of life, and now it appeared the choice they made had come to nothing. All they had was uncertainty and promises that Jesus made which they did not even understand.

Does that sound familiar? So many of us said goodbye to 2019 with the hope and expectation that this year would be better. It seemed that a biblical worldview was now more acceptable because of the people in the White House. The economy was booming and most everyone had jobs. Families were so busy and the bread winners often had too many hours on the job. The constant politics were disturbing if one paid attention to them, but it seemed that things were becoming more stable. How many of you even knew where Wuhan, China was in October of 2019? Now our family life, church life, school life, vacation plans, job stability, date nights, everything has changed because of a virus that we cannot even see except for pictures from a microscope. Some people are suffering more than others because of the loss of loved ones or the stress of work in medical and service professions. But what does this have to do with Jesus and the Triumphal Entry?

That same Jesus, resurrected from the dead and alive forever more is the Lord of Life! He knows our great days, our hard days, and our days of uncertainty. He is the source of our faith. In prayer, we can cast all of our anxieties upon Him and know that He cares for us. (1 Peter 5: 6-7) Jesus reminds us that in this world we will have trouble but that we should take courage because He has overcome the world. (John 16:33) He understands what we are going through and He loves us. He also has called us to love one another, which is best seen in how we minister to each others needs. This is our triumph. No matter what we go through Jesus has promised to never leave us or forsake us even in our tribulations. Praise God for His grace, mercy, and love. Remember to share that grace, mercy, and love with others because helping others by staying in contact and being honest about our own needs and concerns will help us all get through this together!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Loving Gospel Prepping

I heard it on the news last night on Channel 6. A large cult group made a major contribution to a local food bank. The food bank was happy to have the donation and the news was happy to give credit to the large cult group. In this way, this cult builds a reputation as caring people. So, what is wrong with that? As this cult builds its reputation, it gains more opportunities to spread their false teachings. They can't be so bad some will think even though their Jesus is a false Jesus and their salvation is a false salvation. How do we know that their teaching is false? All it takes is a Bible to see that their Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible. Their Jesus was a man that attained to Godhood. He came into existence as a result of God the Father having sex with Mary. God the Father had also attained to godhood, and by being one of them you can attain to godhood also. That is not in your Bible, so they will tell you that your Bible is corrupted and their extra books will straighten things out for you. In addition, you will actually be saved by doing good works. The Gospel is that Jesus did all of the work for our salvation and we receive Him by faith thereby being saved by Him and Him alone. So these people are all around us and even have a spike in our community. They are nice people. But they are also some of the best preppers in the world. They have all kinds of food and resources so that they can 'take care' of people in times of crisis.

So why won't Christians live a more sustainable life so they would be prepared to help the people around them in need? Could we stop living on all of our income, and save a little money in the form of food and supplies we could have on hand? Wouldn't that give us the ear of people in need so that we would be able to share the true Jesus and the true Gospel? Yes it would. So what will you do? Prepping is not hoarding. If you grow it, can it, store it, and share it, it is not hoarding. If you buy something when there is not a shortage, that is not hoarding. If you buy things you and your family eat all of the time and rotate the products to maintain freshness, that is not hoarding. But let us not be guilty of hoarding the Gospel of salvation by faith alone through Christ Jesus alone. We can plant those seeds anywhere, everyday.

What are preppers thinking about in our area today? They should be thinking of the needs of others around them and how they can help. In addition, you should be thinking about the next opportunity to be ready. We don't know what all of those difficulties might be but one of those potential situations is hurricane season. You and I know what will happen when the first storm hits the Gulf. That's right- hoarding! Get appropriate supplies for hurricane season before June. If you do not know what these supplies are you can find a list for most any circumstance at the FEMA website. If you don't find it there, then send me an email and I will get you specific resources for your planning.


Monday, March 23, 2020

The Lord's Supper Observance for March 29, 2020

We are all dealing with the changes that the voluntary quarantine has brought because of the Covid-19 virus. We want to aid our church family with a sense of normalcy during these times. For that reason, we will still have the Lord's Supper observance which will be posted on Facebook Live and the delayed recording available through the church website, if the Lord wills. The next paragraph is a notification that we will be sending through out the church family. It is not an intended activity to partake of the Lord's Supper away from a church family, but this method, we believe, will be true to the intent of the local body of Christ remembering what Jesus did for us in the sacrifice of His body and blood on the cross for the salvation of all who would believe.

The Lord’s Supper March 29th
Little Cypress Baptist Church will be having our remembrance of the Lord Supper this Sunday in our 10:30 am service. If you are able to join us on Facebook Live or through the delayed broadcast through the website, we invite you to participate. The two elements of the Lord’s Supper are a bread and the fruit of the vine. These are symbols for the body and blood of Jesus that which He provided for our salvation as the fulfillment of Passover. The amount used is always small so that the focus is on the symbol, and not on our satisfaction with an amount. The Lord’s Supper does not save anyone, but it is for the saved, so if you observe it with us at home, please keep that in mind. The bread can be literally any bread product which will represent to you His body. The cup can be any appropriate representation. Missionaries have used things with great dignity and without sacrilegious intent such as grape cola, because it was germ free as a bottled product. Certainly, the real issue is one’s attitude, which could be a cause of discipline from God because of a flippant attitude. For this reason, we encourage you to read through 1 Corinthians 11:23-32 before we share in this remembrance together on Sunday.

The evaluation we spoke of in the message above is an examination of our life and attitudes. We often become comfortable with our sins. In preparation, would you take some quiet time with the Lord and ask Him to reveal to your spirit any sin, so that you might repent of it and be cleansed.        1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness". This is what Jesus was saying to Peter at the Passover meal before Jesus went to the cross. In the Gospel of John chapter 13:5-11 Jesus tells Peter that he is clean (referring to his salvation) but that Jesus would be washing his feet. When we confess our sins to the Lord with a repentant heart, He cleanses us of the contamination of the world and restores our fellowship with God. Nothing can break our relationship with God, our sin blocks our fellowship with Him and that is why we should deal with our sin immediately. Love will motivate us to keep a short list.


Saturday, March 21, 2020

Can A Preacher Say That...A Really Big Dog!

I have been coming across a lot of people who are having a time imagining a virus on their gas pump or the loaf of bread that the bread truck driver, who has Co-vid19 and doesn't know it yet, just put on the shelves. If you can avoid being offended and just laugh along with a very serious situation, I would like to tell you a story.

"Once upon a time a race of very tall male dogs roamed the planet. You would never see them but while you were not looking they were peeing on everything. They were sneaking into Walmart, they were going to the gas pumps. It would all dry very fast and you would never know where they had been. Now the people had to decide what to touch and what not to touch. It was impossible to decide so they made a decision to wear some gloves when they pumped the gas. What would they do about opening doors? They were embarrassed to wear the gloves everywhere, so they just used hand sanitizer  every once and awhile and tried to remember not to pick up food to eat or to avoid putting their fingers in their eyes, nose, or mouth. Those dogs created a terrible situation, but the people were more concerned about what people would think if they put on a mask or gloves. What good does it do to put on the mask? That is one way to keep your own fingers out of your own mouth, eyes, and nose. "The best thing to remember" the Governor said, "is to wash your hands and stay away from the people who aren't washing theirs".  "Some day these dogs will go away," he said, " but be wise even if it looks weird!"

So now you have the beginning of the story, and you may add to it however you please. But remember that your God is Lord of Heaven and Earth and He has given us common sense and a promise that as Christians we will not face anything in life without Him. Now, I must go and wash my hands because I am afraid that big dog may have gotten to my keyboard.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Is It Too Late To Be A Prepper?

Welcome to the educational phase of becoming a 'prepper'. You should be taking notes "in your spare time" of what you wish you now had in your home to help you with this crisis. In your spare time you might also want to watch a few YouTube videos on basics of prepping. Most people want to skip past the basics of having a storage of food and water and sources for replenishing them. Most of the time we are looking at generators for hurricane season, and new monster truck for the next flood, you get the point. But what is prepping, really?

What can I grow, buy, and appropriately store when those items are not being hoarded? What can I do that makes a difference in my families food security and safety any time? We make prepping an expensive process but it can be as simple as making product adjustments. For example, if I buy only brand name food products because they are 'the best', could I get two cans store brand green beans for the price of one can of brand name products? What things could you cut back on that are non essentials to put some real food in the pantry? Simple things make a difference. You don't need a generator to run your can opener if you have a manual can opener.

How difficult are your circumstances now? It will be hard to prep if you don't have any cash flow at all. Do you know how to barter time and services or additional products? Trading some of your time could be bartered to borrow the tools to put in a garden while you are going to pressure wash their house in return. You can see an earlier blog on activating your children and grandchildren who are stuck at home instead of being in school. Do you know how to put in a garden and could help someone else do that and as a result get the unused seeds, use of the tools, or something they have like Toilet Paper!

Gardening is not a one time success thing for most people. It takes some time to get everything to grow especially with the crazy rains we have been having. One thing is certain, the nation make it through World War II with what were called Victory Gardens. Let me share a testimony about prepping that is not my own. A friend told me that God began to put on his heart the need to store food in large enough amounts to help take care on his family and friends. He continued to pray about the situation and ask God to show him how to do this work. He did not know what to do but one day while he was at work, a man came to him and asked him if he could use some five gallon food grade buckets with lids. God was at work in that situation and my friend recognized it immediately. Beans, rice, oxygen absorber packets started coming together and he has food storage that will be good for 25 years! In Experiencing God terms, it is a matter of asking God to direct you and then paying attention like He is really going to do it.

In the meantime, do not let your faith falter as you walk through difficult financial situations. "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6  Sometimes hard choices have to be made to shut down the amenities of life. Jesus knows what you need to do but if you ask Him for direction, don't reject His leading. Don't keep your situation to yourself. Get prayer partners and make them aware of your changing circumstances. Preparing is a wisdom issue, not a fear issue. The basics of prepping for a Christian start with God. We can do all kinds of things that are good, but if we are not doing what God has called us to do, all of those actions may be sin. If you need any help in your situation please give us a call and we will see how God would have us respond.

What Do I Do With These Kids?

What would you do with them if it was summer? At least right now you can keep them on a schedule of completing school work. Be careful with your adult leverage. Most adults move rapidly from, "Go watch TV" to, "You are grounded for the rest of your life". Kids respond to gaining privileges from appropriate actions. Earning more freedom if much better than responding to losses. There are, however, kids that will push the envelope for the sake of having your attention. Consequences need to be real. These consequences need to be consistent, not based on how you are feeling that day. If a kid feels like they can test the boundaries and the boundaries move, that encourages them to make those tests frequently. Your television may not be helping their attitude. But simple things like TV time and computer time are leverage. Cell phone use is leverage. Remember the key; don't use all of your leverage at the same time.

In their free time, what could they do that would be interesting? I don't remember a time, as a kid that I was uninterested in having money. Back in the pre-Jurassic Park period we did recycling for money. Back then it was coke bottles. Okay, okay, soft drink bottles then. We did some grass cutting and weeded flower beds and such. There were always some really old people (like 30 and older) that needed some help. Today requires serious social distancing. No using their glasses for water or using their restroom.  Still, getting paid could come in handy in households that have been restricted by one or more parents being out of a job temporarily. Someone in the neighborhood might need help digging up a space in their yard to put in a garden. It is a great prepping plan for right now. Do you have a pressure washer? There are homes in our area that are still in need of a cleaning job. You could make some money or even do something for a neighbor or friend as a ministry to them.

A word to the supervising adults- supervise! Please keep in mind that sex trafficking, and other perverse activities are rampant in our culture today. Children through young adults are favorite targets. People in your community might abuse your child or grandchild and threaten them if they tell. Don't leave that child or children alone. People will use various kinds of 'bait' to draw kids in, and you don't want to have that to deal with on top of this crisis. Be there but use the time to teach them to be safe, social distance, and yet productive instead of bored. This sounds like lessons that could last a lifetime. Oh yes, if you borrow tools make certain you take them back.

Double Standard or Single Purpose?

An analytical mind can sometimes be a curse. You cannot help but notice things. Your life would be so much more simple if you didn't. During this viral crisis on an international level, analytical people can not miss the double standards. On the one hand, the government wants us to keep the Learning Center open. It is a ministry of Little Cypress Baptist Church. They give us the regulations. No one is allowed in the Learning Center except the staff and the child that is being dropped off. No parents, no grandparents, no brothers or sisters. Their temperature is taken and if they do not have a fever they can come in. That is fine with us, of course, because our parents need to work and so do the LC staff. But the same people who made that decision made the decision to close the public schools. I digress. Little Cypress Baptist is then told, the same church that is the Learning Center, we should not have more than 10 people in a group. That effectively eliminates Sunday School, worship, and every other ministry program of the church. We are definitely out there on mission, but we are not supposed to assemble ourselves (Hebrews 10:23-25). We support the concept of social distancing. The problem is that the church must be considered a non essential entity for some reason in comparison to say, Walmart as one example. I was there. No one took my temperature. As I looked around I could easily count more than 10 people, some of which appeared to have come there straight from bed without changing. I saw more than 50, more than 100. They were handling things and putting them back on the shelves. They were touching the same baskets an some of them did not get the disinfectant wipe for their basket handle. No one was offended. No one said that people should not be there. I pumped gas with a dirty gas pump handle, too.

Back to the church I went with my yet unsanitized treasures. I arrived to see the Meals on Wheels program dropping off food to a group of senior adults. There they were, playing dominoes, telling stories. Why was this program allowed to continue? It is because we are trapped with a double standard. Who would take care of the children in the Learning Center if they were not there? Where would the senior adults get their lunch if they did not continue in this program? It seems that there is a single purpose. We are trying to be as careful as we all can. On the other hand we want to see needs met. This double standard is actually a dichotomy of caring. What would you do if the nation came under quarantine completely for two weeks? You would struggle to comply and try to help people the best that you could. Our church will be in the middle of that where ever they are. In the meanwhile, what about corporate worship? Are there people who are going to need to meet for corporate worship? The answer is yes. We take both sides of the double standard. Do not come to church. There will be no Sunday School, no Sunday morning breakfast, no meetings. The staff and a few volunteers will be here to carry out the worship time on video to be uploaded to the church website. But, we will not turn people who are well, and need to be in corporate worship whether they are lost or saved. Just worship at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.. Yes, we are trapped between the double standard sides. We want to obey the authorities and those who rule over us and we do not want to forsake the assembling of ourselves (Hebrews 10:23-25) so we are turning prayerfully to the Highest Authority for His direction and we remember the Great Commandment to love the Lord your God with your whole being and your neighbor as yourself. We will not all agree on our response as church leadership to this situation because of the dichotomy. We will have to re-evaluate based on the circumstances that confront us each day. But we all agree that our desire is to honor Jesus and meet spiritual needs just like Walmart is letting in people to meet physical needs, Meals on Wheels is meeting senior adult needs, and the Learning Center is meeting childcare needs.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Some Day Syndrome

Why do Christians have an additional sense of uneasiness in these extraordinary circumstances that seem to be so much more common these days? I think it is because we have read ahead in the book of what is happening next. The world ridicules our biblical beliefs and often points to those beliefs as examples or our unfitness to participate in social dialogue and involvement in big decisions. Just think about all of the criticism that the Vice President of the United States has taken because of his biblical beliefs. People in Congress and the media openly expressed that he was unacceptable for the lead role in dealing with the Covid-19 event because he suggested that in addition to the medical response we might want to pray. How dare he reach out to a superior being at a time when humanism is supposed to win the day. We cannot change their reactions but how much do we hold back because we are afraid to face the same kind of ridicule or persecution? 

Some Day Syndrome works like this.... We know that there will be an effort to centralize all government into a global entity some day. Some day there will be a person that heads up that entity that will build that one world government into a personal kingdom. We see this man in the Bible as the Little Horn in Daniel, the Man of Lawlessness in 1 Thessalonians and John speaks of his as the anti-Christ. When we see the circumstances of our world driving toward global governance it makes us uneasy. Or, we know that someday there will be a one world financial system. We start seeing the globalists in the news pushing for the end of cash and a more credit card style system way back in the 1970's. We go to electronically deposited payroll and bill pay systems, and we like it because it is fast and easy. Then we have a crisis that makes it impossible to engage with our resources and we feel helpless- but only for a little while and then it is all fixed. We do not think about all of the hackers and government entities that can hinder that system. We do not think about the Chinese who are now giving social credits electronically to those who seem to deserve the blessing of government for their loyalty. It is just easier to do it this way. After all, cash is paper, and paper can pass along viruses! 

So, the uneasiness of the Some Day Syndrome sets in again. We read ahead in history in the book of Revelation and saw that the head of one world government institutes a system for buying and selling that requires nothing but a 'mark'. With the mark you are in. Without the mark you cannot buy or sell. Yes, there is that queasy feeling that our reality is moving quickly to match biblical prophesy. Now everyone has to listen to the value of socialism since it will be the only way to make government in the world 'fair' and 'effective'. Sounds like a one world government plan to me, The government will supply everything you need. They can control the ups and downs of the economy and if we need for money we will just declare that it now exists. Does that sound like a stimulus package to you? There is that uneasy feeling again.

We read the warning that the world of the future would be unrestrained in its evil. We see the evil of this world growing in areas like what is appropriate sexual behavior, and we are uneasy unless we have lost touch with the Word of God and the truth that it says what it says to us because God loves us and is trying to protect us from the wages of sin which is death. We cannot speak of these issues with the culture because who are we to say that we have the right answer. We are told that every path leads to God, and there comes that queasy feeling again. The book of Revelation also tells us about a one world religion which includes everyone. We watch the Pope and the ecumenical movements snuggle up to the Imams of  Islam and that some how looks strangely familiar. Maybe we go on the internet and see the statue out front of the European Union building and it is a woman riding a beast. Yes, there is that uneasy feeling again. They call her Europa but you can find her in Revelation 17. 

So what are we supposed to do with this Some Day Syndrome? What if the some day of these policies and plans suddenly become our reality? In Luke 21:28 Jesus tells us that when we see these things coming to pass we should look up because our redemption is drawing near. This is not a time for fear. When the smart people see the stock market go down drastically they get ready to invest, not sell. When we see the world take a big bump in the road, it is time to watch what God is doing and be ready to join Him in His work. His work is to share Jesus with a lost and dying world. There will always be people being drawn by the Holy Spirit to salvation. We can be a part of that eternal, kingdom of God work, if we are paying attention to Him instead of that queasy, uneasy feeling that the world gives us. Look Up!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Hurricane Co-vid19

There are principles of preparation that cross the type and scope of most all disasters. When a hurricane appears in the Atlantic, those of us who have gone through home reconstructions and renovation take note. Those who have not been affected in the same way may not even notice until the storm enters the Gulf of Mexico and there is a cone of expectancy pointed our way. Some people would accuse those with past experience of living in fear. Those with past experience examine their response as being wiser about what too do. It really doesn't matter for some, they think, because the chance of that storm coming right here is maybe 1%.. So what is the point? It is important to be prepared all of the time from wisdom and not fear. Those who come to our area from other parts of the country usually ask people who have been through the storms what they should do. Should they distance themselves from the threat? Should they shelter in place? Do they have the supplies to shelter in place and provide for all of their needs? Do they have special medical concerns that should affect their decision? If you are a person who has breathing issues, are prone to pneumonia, COPD, etc. the Co-vid19 virus should cause you to examine your situation carefully. It seems that the youngest in this situation are not the most vulnerable this time. I had the flu when I was in the 8th grade and was at home in bed with a 104 temperature. Believe it or not a doctor came to our house to treat me, which included a float trip in my bath tub with several trays of ice. After that week was over I went back to school for 3 days and then relapsed for another week. The additional consequences included being behind in school which required doubling up on school work though not really feeling that great. That experience is a part of my own evaluation of what an appropriate response would be for current circumstances. Don't over react, don't be complacent, don't worry about people's response to your choices. Make certain that you pray and listen to the wisdom of God in keeping with His Word. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight." 

Friday, February 28, 2020

A Paper Towel and Sunglasses!

We are all hearing so much about one specific virus right now. It's interesting that we hear about the flu and colds and stomach bugs all of the time, but every once and awhile a new bug comes along and we are awaiting the potential of a devastating pandemic. The reason that these expectations are alive and well is because millions of lives have been lost in the past from pandemic situations. But are the answers to dealing with these situations really so different?

Right now we may spend some of our day looking for N95 masks to protect ourselves from the virus. By now you have noticed that the virus will remain unnamed for my purposes. With the bug everywhere, why would a mask make any difference? The instructions have always been to wash your hands and when you are finished, go wash your hands. There is great wisdom in this! But let's look at masks for just a moment. Isn't it true that I would not have to wash my hands all of the time if I would keep them out of my mouth and eyes? I know some of you are habitual finger lickers, as you turn almost every page with a lick of the fingers. Some of you are table wipers. You take the napkin and wipe of a spot on your table in the restaurant and then use the same napkin (on the same side) to wipe your mouth. I hope you are laughing by now.

The fact is, you could tape a paper towel over your face and nose and put on sunglasses and you would protect yourself from the worst source of germs- your self! No fingers scratching in your eyes. No subtle nose picking. No finger licking. Sure, you would still need to wash those hands before you handled food or fed the kids, but that is much less often. How many people touched that gas pump handle that you just grabbed? How many people just used the tongs at the buffet restaurant? Yuck! yet none of that would be in your system if you did not put it there?

The spiritual application might be that the world is going to be filled with all kinds of things that are sins against God. The personal question I must answer is how much of that am I choosing to pick up and put into my own spiritual system without even thinking? Being a student of the Word of God can prepare me to protect myself and my family from things that are going to create spiritual sickness and trauma. I thank Jesus that He is in His disciples and that His Spirit is actively teaching me what the Word of God means and how to apply it in my current circumstances and culture. 

So, buy a mask to block those unchecked sneezes and coughs, and wash those hands. Keep your fingers out of your eyes, nose and mouth. Clean those surfaces with appropriate solutions of chlorine bleach and water (google it). But remember to be washed by the water of the Word (Ephesians 5:26) See you Sunday!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

This Is Just A Test...

Everyone wants to know if the latest pandemic or military threat is real or contrived by political goals. Did China release a pandemic on their own people accidentally? Did they do this intentionally so that the protests for a more Democratic form of government would disappear from the news and go away? Only God knows. The novel corona virus 19 is real, but is it the next killer of millions like the Spanish flu of 1918? We don't know. We see China say that the number of new cases is in decline, but can they be trusted on that? Can I help you swing your focus to something more productive?

Do you remember hearing that tone on your TV or radio and a scratchy audio message coming on to tell you that what you are seeing and hearing is just a test of the emergency broadcast system? That mass communication was created during the cold war to give the citizens of the US of A a chance to respond to a potential nuclear attack. The more productive message for us today is why don't we go ahead and get a few things together now instead of fighting for the resources later? Today, batteries, flashlights, bottled water, plywood, hurricane clips, generators, and gasoline are available everywhere. But the first tropical storm that develops in the Gulf of Mexico and heads our way will set off a feeding frenzy for supplies. We will be battling for tarps and something to nail them into place after a storm.

So what if this serious pandemic fizzles out, and the next potential category 5 hurricane goes somewhere else? If we want to avoid the negative experience of struggling through the next crisis why won't we do some simple things right now? A friend of mine was discussing his failures with the stock market recently in a humorous way. He said, "I am really good at buying when the price is high and selling when the price is low".  This seems to be one of our grave weaknesses as the human race. I can put off doing anything about the next crisis until one shows up. I can get around to things like God and the eternal destiny of my soul until it looks like I don't have any other choice. Little Cypress Baptist Church has been helping people prepare for these two events and everything in between for a long time. Of first importance is to make peace with God through His Son, Jesus. You cannot do this successfully on your own terms. You must come to God on His terms having acknowledged that you are a sinner like the rest of us, and that you believe Jesus is God's plan to save sinners.

You would understand that speaking to Him (what people call prayer) and telling Him that you want to surrender your life Him and to receive Jesus as your Savior and Master of your life means that your life will change if you are sincere. You will want to see Him bring His plans and His ways into your life even though you will still experience temptations. But as a new disciple of Jesus you will have every resource you need if you are praying, applying biblical truth, and involving yourself in a church that really believes and lives out the Gospel. If a church is unwilling to preach, teach, and live what Jesus has given to His church in the Bible, steer clear of such fake news churches. The most positive message is the one with all of the truth even if some of that truth is demanding.