Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Part Two- Reaction to Larry Kunk’s Presentation on Free Masonry

What I found interesting about Larry Kunk is that he came from a similar organization as Freemasonry. He did not say that he was better or different than anyone that was in a secret fraternal society. He admitted that he had done things worse than most people in other secret fraternal societies would ever do. So, this man is revealing research that he has gotten from, in this case, the Masons own monitors, manuals, as selective readings from their own websites. Larry did not make up the research. Our own deacons sat and held the monitors of Masonic organizations from all over the country. They read the very pages that Larry presented by power point on Sunday morning and Sunday evening. They had the opportunity to question the validity of what they were seeing on the pages of all of these monitors. One deacon asked why so many of the monitors were old. I knew the answer to that question was not about them being outdated in Masonic thought. Masons are very proud of the age of their beliefs. In the Texas Monitor of 1982 in the “In Perpetual Memorial” section on roman numeral page five (v.) it acknowledges the grand lecturers from 1837 through 1895 (on the next page). In the “Preface” on Roman numeral page ten (x.) within the second paragraph it says, “We have relied almost entirely on the works of Brothers William M. Taylor, Sam R. Hamilton and Jewel P. Lightfoot with Lightfoot’s Manuel of the Lodge as the primary basis for our work. This is, in essence, little more than a minor revision of the enlightened work of Brother Lightfoot.” The Lightfoot Manual for the Texas Grand Lodge was written in 1934. The age of the material in the presentation Larry gave (from the 1990’s to the 1921 and possibly older) was not the real issue.

 I am convinced that the strong reaction by some who did not even see the material presented at LCBC is based on assumption that everyone who is in the Masons now and those who are loved ones who were in the Masons in the past could not have possibly believed anything wrong. Remember, all of us are vulnerable to being deceived by people, organizations, governments, and principalities and powers of evil. People get in organizations that use them for their influence and money. The fact of the matter is, I don’t think that most Masons, even those who have progressed to higher positions, have realized what the Masonic teaching is truly pointing to. I think they believe that the good deeds that their lodge has done indicates the desire to do good to all people. I think that some of the things they say in their lodge meetings, and the things that some of the Masonic groups for women and children hear in their meets are Christian songs and imagery.  I also believe that the materials being used are being understood by the participants as being about Jesus even though He is not being mentioned by name. (Don't mistaken the name "Christ" as being about Jesus alone since every religion can have their own messiah or Christ) That is why I think that many of these men, women, and children have been tricked into being a part of an organization that does not believe what they believe. Based on the material from the monitors and readings, those who wrote many of them clearly believe that we all pray to the same God no matter what religion we follow. I doubt that the man in the local lodge believes that the other Masons around the world who are praying to Krishna, or Vishnu, or Allah are praying to the same God that he is praying to when he prays to Jesus. The fact is, Masonic teaching holds that this is the truth. When Masons are praying, their written materials indicate that they are praying to the same single only existent god which they all know by a different name. Let me give you a few questions to consider if you were speaking to a Mason that is not one of your own well known and loved friends:

1. Is it true that there is only one God? ( you would certainly hope that they would say yes)

2. Is God a spirit? (this is also a very simple question that they should say yes to if they are a mason)

3. Is it true that all men worship the same God using a variety of names? (Larry’s presentation shows the problem with saying yes to this question)

4. Is Vishnu, a god that Hindus worship, the same spirit that you pray to at the lodge? (The Masons you know may not believe that, but the Masonic teachings affirm it to be true)

5. If you do not believe number 3 or 4 then why would you stay in an organization that teaches these things are true?

It seems that this is the main point of their faulty concept of God, but it is only the tip of the iceberg of their false teaching.

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