Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Part One- Reaction to Larry Kunk’s Presentation on Free Masonry

I would agree with those who were in the Sunday morning worship that Larry does not have my preaching style. Some have said that he was too harsh in his presentation. I suppose that LCBC has had pastors in the past that had that kind of preaching style. You would not know that unless you have been here quite a long time. It would be obvious to say that his presentation was too long to be received as a normal Sunday presentation. For this Larry apologized and promised that he had never gone that long in the past. For some, it seemed that Larry was saying that everyone who is in the Masons is headed to hell. I know that this is what the devil wanted everyone to hear so that they would be very upset. Let me reprint the statement that he actually made.
“It impossible for a man to embrace the foundational teachings of Freemasonry and Christianity at the same time” Sunday morning slide 108. That means if a person claims that there is only one god and everyone in the world worships the same god just with a different name, that person cannot also be a person that also believes that Jesus is the one unique son of God who reveals the Father to us. They cannot believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that no one comes to the Father except through Him. They cannot believe the verses that Larry showed that all of the other Gods of the nations are demons. You cannot have it both ways. The presentation for Sunday night was showing that if a Mason truly believes that Jesus is one type of a savior and that Osiris of ancient Egypt is another and the Masonic “Hiram Abif” is another, that person who truly believes that Jesus is not the one and only savior cannot be saved by Him. Everything that Larry presented was based on scripture that was not taken out of context. Everything was carefully referenced. I do not like the preaching style that uses little diplomacy, but many of us remember the day when all preaching was like that- truthful but hard.

 I will acknowledge that many do not care for the times when we compare the Word of God to false doctrine. There are many groups, denominations, and world religions that we must acknowledge are teaching falsehood. It is not likely that we will protect anyone from these false teachings or false gods unless we refer to the organizations that are caught up in these teachings. We talk about sin every Sunday. There is no greater sin than presenting a false god or a false gospel that causes everyone who believes their lies to go to hell. This is not a happy message, but one that Jesus dealt with regularly. No one talked more about hell and false teachers than Jesus For this reason, I must say that the reaction to the presentation on the Masonic teachings has been amazing to me. Never have I seen so much happen behind the scenes in spiritual places in all my years in ministry. I have never experienced this level of emotion and turmoil on something that I did not even preach. No one has asked me yet if I even believe everything Larry Kunk presented. If you were wondering why Larry’s presentation was to be given without any “warning” as to the subject, it is for the reason that people everywhere he speaks respond so sharply to dig in their heels before even listening to his presentation. Larry reflects that most of the people who have reacted the strongest to the presentation are people who have not even heard it. It is that prejudice against the subject no matter what his research would reveal that he is trying to avoid. Larry indicated that when people don’t want to know what will be said simply because of their personal association with an organization, or a family association, it makes it difficult for him to share that information with people who have open minds. By showing the biblical issues first and giving a theoretical situation for everyone to consider using a completely different group of people (Islam), it is possible to see the problem before facing the evidence about the false teachings of a different organization (in this case, the Masonic lodge). When he lost his ability to reveal truth without emotions clouding the facts, we lost the ability to examine the truth together without impartially. Part Two is coming!

1 comment:

  1. I have known Larry Kunk for several years. Even though we don't always agree, we have a great working relationship. Between Larry Kunk and Steven Tsoukalas, a professor at Wesley Biblical Seminary, I have learned a great deal about focusing on what Freemasonry teaches, and examining those teaching in the Light that is God's Writtn Word.

    As a former Mason, I can attest to the fact that when I happened across a few short sentences in Dr. Walter Martin's book, 'Kingdom of the Cults', it was what I consider as being a harsh wakeup call. It hit me hard and fast. I was something I was confronted with unexpectedly. As it turned out, that was the tool of truth that was the catalyst of my conviction by the Holy Spirit. That was the turning point in my life that led me away from Freemasonry, and into a saving grace and relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    I pray that those members of your congretation who have been unsettled by Larry's honest and well documented presentations, will dwell on the message itself. It should be about the message, not about about the messenger. I am sure that many would deem some of my video presentations as being harsh, and I would not deny them that assessment. I would probably feel the same way, were I still a Freemason, and hearing the truth for the first time. But the truth, is the truth. We might be able to avoid it, even deny it, but we cannot change it.
    Duane Washum
    Ex Masons For Jesus
