Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Part Three- Reaction to Larry Kunk’s Presentation on Free Masonry

I have a tendency to believe that many men in our area are in the Masons and similar organizations because they have not looked closely enough to understand what they are being told. I believe from discussing this with non Mason men from our area, that being a Mason was a way to move up in certain companies or work groups. It was a way to be known and have the approval of other men. For many, it was a matter of doing what their fathers and grandfathers had done. I think the Christian  men who joined probably interpreted the strange rituals to fit into their Christian understandings. I do not think that most of them ever were exposed to the true beliefs of the Masonic Lodge on the governing level at the Grand lodge of each state. For these men, I think it was like a fraternity, and a way to have a favored status with another group of men. I believe these men were being taken advantage of. I believe their dues and their influence was being stolen for the good of an organization that does not believe what they personally believe if they are truly born again believers in Jesus Christ.
For example, in Tal Davis’s message about the Mormons he said that most Mormon’s do not know what the hierarchy of the Mormon church believes. They do not know that Mormon doctrine teaches that there are men who attained to godhood, all over the universe, who are now running their own planets. These average Mormons in our neighborhoods do not know that their leaders believe that a Mormon can do the right works and become a god of his own planet someday. By the works that Mormons would do, he would cease to be a man and become a god. This is just one of their beliefs that astounds most people when they become aware of it. When Tal made that presentation, he did not know who in the congregation might be a Mormon. He did not do anything but make a presentation of the truth of Mormon teaching that most Mormon’s aren’t even aware of. Larry Kunk did the same thing. He did not come with a vendetta against anyone, since he had been in a false teaching organization himself. Larry came with research that was supported by scores of former Masons. At another website, Ex-Masons for Jesus, are many stories from people who have discovered the truth of how they were being taken advantage of by the governing organization and those who have their own agenda.

The material on Sunday was handled the same way the material was handled for every other meeting of the Truth About Cults Revival.  There was no way to address this issue without someone being offended. I, Larry, or Tal could have talked about the false teachings of any other group on the planet and would have gotten very little negative response. But, no one likes being deceived. Larry Kunk did not like it, and I do not like it. But good, truly Christian people have been deceived and this Masonic issue is just another example. The goal of the presentation was to give everyone the opportunity to walk through the issues before being made aware of the non-biblical teachings of Masonry. That was the only way to keep people from addressing the issue with pre-determined conclusions. Larry presented his material with a passion that goes beyond my personal experience. Larry says he has seen many people hurt by members from within the secret fraternal organizations who did not like the fact that someone had spoken out against, not individuals in their organization, but the organization itself. I assured him that this would not be the case here in Orange, Texas. Don't let the emotions of this event take your attention away from the truth of the evidence in the presentation. Examine the documents in the CD's of the presentation. If you picked up a DVD, or watched his presentation on the website, and you cannot make out the material on the screens during worship, please come by the office and get one copy for your family.

1 comment:

  1. The effect this false religion is having on humanity is huge! Its not just that they wield political influence in the work place but have effected human history from the french revolution, Russsian revolution (Trotsky & Stalin), communism in China (Mao = grand orient lodge) and American presidents and polititions. Other notable masons are those in witchcraft like Aleister Crowley, Alexander Sanders, Gardiner, Michael Acquino, and so on. Then they start new religions like L RON Hubbard (Church of Scientology) or Mormonism (Joeseph Smith) or Temple of Set or OTO ot OTA ect.... Many of the New agers are also linked to this cult/false religion. Then there is crimes like P2 lodge, Killing of Abe Lincoln by Booth, Benedict Arnold, MAFIA, Killing of Captain Morgan and recently Mr. Jimmy "can fix it" Salvie in UK. All this needs to also be made aware to the world. You can't fix a problem if you don't know it exists. In Christ.
