According to Harold Camping of Family Radio we are almost at the end of time as we know it. Harold Camping is the teacher on his own chain of radio stations Family Stations Inc. of California. Mr Camping was born July 19, 1921 in Boulder, Colorado. He is trained as a civil engineer. You can go to Wikipedia for this basic information. Our church family is exposed to his false teachings through a popular radio station for traditional church music out of Beaumont. The call numbers are 89.7 Let me summarize the basic teachings that are being presented through his radio teaching and website.
The Great Tribulation began on May 21, 1988. The problem with this is that the Great Tribulation is described by Jesus as beginning after the Temple is defiled by the abomination of desolation. The last time I checked there was no Temple to desecrate. The prophet Daniel identifies this period as being 42 months, or three and one half years. The book of Revelation identifies the same time period as being of the same duration. If you add three and one half years to May 21, 1988 you have a problem. Mr. Camping had another problem in his predicting abilities. He indicated that the rapture of the church was beginning by some sources in the fall of 1988 and by others in 1994 (which may have been his second guess). This time, he is basing his guess on it having been 7,000 years since Noah's flood. He calculates all of this by saying that a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day and then says that God would bring the last judgment 7,000 years after the flood which he says was May 21, 7,000 years ago. But wait... there's more!
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