Friday, February 28, 2020

A Paper Towel and Sunglasses!

We are all hearing so much about one specific virus right now. It's interesting that we hear about the flu and colds and stomach bugs all of the time, but every once and awhile a new bug comes along and we are awaiting the potential of a devastating pandemic. The reason that these expectations are alive and well is because millions of lives have been lost in the past from pandemic situations. But are the answers to dealing with these situations really so different?

Right now we may spend some of our day looking for N95 masks to protect ourselves from the virus. By now you have noticed that the virus will remain unnamed for my purposes. With the bug everywhere, why would a mask make any difference? The instructions have always been to wash your hands and when you are finished, go wash your hands. There is great wisdom in this! But let's look at masks for just a moment. Isn't it true that I would not have to wash my hands all of the time if I would keep them out of my mouth and eyes? I know some of you are habitual finger lickers, as you turn almost every page with a lick of the fingers. Some of you are table wipers. You take the napkin and wipe of a spot on your table in the restaurant and then use the same napkin (on the same side) to wipe your mouth. I hope you are laughing by now.

The fact is, you could tape a paper towel over your face and nose and put on sunglasses and you would protect yourself from the worst source of germs- your self! No fingers scratching in your eyes. No subtle nose picking. No finger licking. Sure, you would still need to wash those hands before you handled food or fed the kids, but that is much less often. How many people touched that gas pump handle that you just grabbed? How many people just used the tongs at the buffet restaurant? Yuck! yet none of that would be in your system if you did not put it there?

The spiritual application might be that the world is going to be filled with all kinds of things that are sins against God. The personal question I must answer is how much of that am I choosing to pick up and put into my own spiritual system without even thinking? Being a student of the Word of God can prepare me to protect myself and my family from things that are going to create spiritual sickness and trauma. I thank Jesus that He is in His disciples and that His Spirit is actively teaching me what the Word of God means and how to apply it in my current circumstances and culture. 

So, buy a mask to block those unchecked sneezes and coughs, and wash those hands. Keep your fingers out of your eyes, nose and mouth. Clean those surfaces with appropriate solutions of chlorine bleach and water (google it). But remember to be washed by the water of the Word (Ephesians 5:26) See you Sunday!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

This Is Just A Test...

Everyone wants to know if the latest pandemic or military threat is real or contrived by political goals. Did China release a pandemic on their own people accidentally? Did they do this intentionally so that the protests for a more Democratic form of government would disappear from the news and go away? Only God knows. The novel corona virus 19 is real, but is it the next killer of millions like the Spanish flu of 1918? We don't know. We see China say that the number of new cases is in decline, but can they be trusted on that? Can I help you swing your focus to something more productive?

Do you remember hearing that tone on your TV or radio and a scratchy audio message coming on to tell you that what you are seeing and hearing is just a test of the emergency broadcast system? That mass communication was created during the cold war to give the citizens of the US of A a chance to respond to a potential nuclear attack. The more productive message for us today is why don't we go ahead and get a few things together now instead of fighting for the resources later? Today, batteries, flashlights, bottled water, plywood, hurricane clips, generators, and gasoline are available everywhere. But the first tropical storm that develops in the Gulf of Mexico and heads our way will set off a feeding frenzy for supplies. We will be battling for tarps and something to nail them into place after a storm.

So what if this serious pandemic fizzles out, and the next potential category 5 hurricane goes somewhere else? If we want to avoid the negative experience of struggling through the next crisis why won't we do some simple things right now? A friend of mine was discussing his failures with the stock market recently in a humorous way. He said, "I am really good at buying when the price is high and selling when the price is low".  This seems to be one of our grave weaknesses as the human race. I can put off doing anything about the next crisis until one shows up. I can get around to things like God and the eternal destiny of my soul until it looks like I don't have any other choice. Little Cypress Baptist Church has been helping people prepare for these two events and everything in between for a long time. Of first importance is to make peace with God through His Son, Jesus. You cannot do this successfully on your own terms. You must come to God on His terms having acknowledged that you are a sinner like the rest of us, and that you believe Jesus is God's plan to save sinners.

You would understand that speaking to Him (what people call prayer) and telling Him that you want to surrender your life Him and to receive Jesus as your Savior and Master of your life means that your life will change if you are sincere. You will want to see Him bring His plans and His ways into your life even though you will still experience temptations. But as a new disciple of Jesus you will have every resource you need if you are praying, applying biblical truth, and involving yourself in a church that really believes and lives out the Gospel. If a church is unwilling to preach, teach, and live what Jesus has given to His church in the Bible, steer clear of such fake news churches. The most positive message is the one with all of the truth even if some of that truth is demanding.