Friday, August 8, 2014

A Good Secular Media Editorial on ISIS

You may want to go to a news item that expressed the frustration of many people who watch these barbaric behaviors of persecution. Though the editorial is not Christian per se, it reveals much of the lack of media attention to these issues today. At the Fox News website there is an item called Daftari: World silent on Genocide, rape, in Syria and Iraq. She places all things 'humanist' in opposition to all things 'terrorist'. Humanism as the world understands it is not a philosophically acceptable description of biblical faith, but you will get the point anyway.

God Bless,
David Turner

Who Is ISIS and what do we do about the Christian persecution?

             For those of us who have basically good health and circumstances there is a sense that life is as it should be. Our problems are not so big in light of the people around us that are dealing with cancer, grief, a job loss, etc. But today in our world, at what is supposed to be the most advanced technological and enlightened period of human history, children's heads are being cut off because they are identified as Christians. A city of 50,000 people were all forced to leave their city and flee to the mountains of Kurdish neighbors in northern Iraq. Why? Because they claim to be Christians. You and I know that all of them are not Christians, but they are identified as Christians by the ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. These radical Sunni Muslims are not only killing Christians, they are killing Shiite Muslims and other non-Sunni or non-Muslim groups.
             We know from Matthew 24 that persecution of Christians is a hallmark of Christian eschatology. The passage is not fulfilled because there has always been Christian persecution. It is fulfilled by the fact that the persecution will grow like birth pangs until the Lord returns. Matthew 24 was spoken to the disciples of Jesus and recorded as a revelation of God for today, as well. So, as usual, the Word of God will be fulfilled as it is now. What can we do about it? The first thing is that we pray for these people. We ask God's will to be done in the lives of these people and that God will intervene on their behalf. Those who are truly born again believers can count on the promise of Romans 8:28, as long as you understand that verse in light of all eternity and not just our short lives in this world. We cannot be called to suffer with Christ and not have suffering. That is one reason we are called to witness no matter how it makes us feel. If nothing else we can suffer through the discomfort of confronting someone with the love of God in the gospel. The next things we can do are not as powerful, but also needed. You can give to the humanitarian efforts through that Baptist Disaster Relief or Samaritan's Purse. The Voice of the Martyrs' often gives people the opportunity to directly encourage those facing persecution. If the Lord tarries, Christians in the USA will move from being politically incorrect and opposed to persecuted, as well. Let us make the most of our opportunities to meet needs while we can. Here are some sites: which is the Voice of the Martyrs site.